Cases (Coronavirus) in
Population Doubling Software - Use for any country,
Not limited to Covid-19.
We have put up this
MS Excel project suitable for computing the doubling rate (in
days) of Covid-19 infections and similarly for the number of
Estimate the date at which the number of
cases will be reached based on the doubling rate.
software will show the number of cases per 100,000 and 1
million population and the percentage of cases resulting
in death. The number of people per case and per death.
Get an estimate of when the
percentages for herd immunity (typically 60% of the population
affected), could be reached.
The default data is for
India up to July 18th.
Use the Reset button to start from
the first known date for any other country. Continue
with any new date after the 18th of July for India.
Freeware. Use at your own discretion.
As with any transmittable disease, (whether viral or
otherwise) it is important to know its tranmissibility rate among the population. This rate is called R0 and is read as R-nought or
R-zero. It is the figure to denote the average number of
people who will be infected by a single person testing
positive with the disease.
R-zero of less than one will
slowly fizzle out and disappear or cease to be an epidimic /
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